Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Apparently being a Christian means you definitely do not support space exploration because if extraterrestrial life is found, the foundation on which christianity stands, will crumble. This is just the awesome lesson I have learned in my monday morning 8 a.m. Astronomy class.

Let me just say, I would consider myself a morning person, yet for some reason I could not pay attention to my exciting 70 year old monotone talking professor. I truly do like the man, i've already learned quite a bit from him and his much shared experience about his working for NASA. Every so often during his lectures the subject of a Creator will come up, and it really is quite relevant once you start talking cosmos. This past monday, however, I heard a new proposal by "the man in the back."

The subject being discussed was the death of stars. It then turned into, I can't disprove there being a God, He could have created things looking old. (which i completely agree with... I don't know, I just think baby adam would have a hard time surviving in the wilderness) After he had made this statement "the man in the back" let everyone know what apparently a lot of christians think. Truly I do not mean to bash him, I just want to fill you all in on his thoughts and I'll throw mine in, as a christ follower, to help clear anything up, if anyone feels the same way.

He said that, "Christians have been holding back space exploration because if extraterrestrial life is found, their whole foundation will crumble."

Although I am but a single voice, and although your statement was not a question, I have my answer for you "the man in the back." I support all the searching for aliens. Actually thats not exactly true because i think its a waste of money, especially in this time of economic turmoil. IF money was not an option, i support all the searching for aliens. On a personal level, if an alien is found i would love to just play some horseshoes with them and delight in the sharing of a nice cold strawberry kiwi fruit drink. As far as my faith goes... I'm not sitting on a castle of playing cards foundation. I would love to hear how the alien's life has been affected by christ as well... il invite big foot over to tell about his miraculous convergence.

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