I am now starting to notice, and probably as well as all of you who brave my blogs, that I somehow always end up finding profound messages that apply to my life in what others may dub seemingly mundane situations. Maybe it has to do with the incredibly large sums of time I have to be alone and think. Being alone for long periods of time can be a good thing for this reason. That when you are put back into the slew of people in the world you take notice of things you hadn't before and are able to learn more from them. Hence this blog. I took a hold of a message that was delivered in the best of ways. Who better to learn from than a little foreign boy probably the age of 6 or 7. (which my age guessing should be quite on target, for I worked at a preschool for 5 years.. just adding credibility to the age which I am guessing) Inspiration can come in the unlikeliest of ways from the unlikeliest of people.
My mother, wonderful sister and I were quite hungry and decided to stop to eat before embarking on the "fun" task that is "shopping." (you can tell right there I have had a lot of alone time since I agreed to do this) Decisions, decisions. It was a tossup between the healthy and nutritious, Panera Bread, or the greasy and delicious Taco Bell. Being the great aware citizens that we are, we decided that it was a no brainer. Taco Bell.
We walked in to this fine eating establishment and to our dismay found the line to be insanely long. This gives aid to two problems. First being I have to stand for a long period of time in a roped-in, line prison, and second, the seating depletes rather quickly. Thus we came to the conclusion that I must place my order with my mom and sis so I could go claim our table territory. I wander around the Taco Bell aimlessly looking for a table that has not already been conquered by weird unrecognizable substances on its surface.
I finally found a seat that was almost up to qualifications, just a couple swipes of a trusty napkin and all was well. Enough of that though... that really has nothing to do with my profound experience. I just find it comical that I, and I bet you, go through this routine every time I eat out at a fast food joint. Anyway.... it was when I found my seat that the experience occurred and the message came to my attention.
Across the room about 6 yards away from me was a foreign family. Now I cannot say that it is a fact that they were foreign. It was another conjecture made by me. They were of asian descent, carrying cameras recording every moment at a Taco Bell, speaking another language, and sporting shoes with brands I had never seen. Conclusion, visiting foreign tourists. Anyway I am glad they were there and for this very reason.
This family was awesome. Just the joy that was being expressed by them was inspiring in itself. I was amazed, and staring. What really hit me hard, however, was their little boy. Like I said he was most likely either 6 or 7 and I learned much from him. It was because of him that I now realize I can learn so much from children in general. Its not like I haven't been around kids before either, as I previously mentioned as well. I spent 5 years working at a preschool. I am now realizing I should have spent 5 years learning from a preschool. Anyway this boy has a message that is geared to all and I would like to share it with you.
I was sitting at my seat and I listened to this boy as he spoke his message to me... he began to dance. Thats it. He danced. That was his message and it was breath taking. Not because he was a good dancer. Not because I somehow think he was filled with the Holy Spirit. It was a breath taking message because... he danced in a Taco Bell at 1 p.m. with probably 30 to 35 people staring at him. Some frowning, some chuckling, some pointing, and some huffing. Nevertheless, he danced. He did not care what other people thought. He did what he was called to do and he fully embraced it. He did not care. He was in his best state of being. Smiling, laughing, clapping... Dancing. As I sit here, and remember this, it's like a movie playing in my head. I am still deeply struck.
This hits me on so many different levels and areas of my world. My christianity, my honesty, my mentality, my life. Its a message I have heard before but not seen in person. The true meaning of the phrase do not let other people's cares or thoughts affect the way you were MEANT to live. Read that last sentence again carefully before you leave comments bashing it. Now I say that in hopes that you know how you are suppose to live. Now if you don't know and care what I think, go ahead and ask me. I will quickly guide you to a book as well as share some of my own personal thoughts. Anyway, I know personally in the past I have let other people's thoughts and opinions guide some of my actions in a negative way. Who hasn't? Those ever so prevalent words, "peer pressure," come to mind. Why do we allow ourselves to be consumed by what others may think?
I think this boy speaks to everyone. He spoke to me. His dancing literally changed me. I'm hoping you can learn something from it too. If I am constantly wondering what others may think of me I will miss out on a lot. I will miss out on experiences, opportunities, happiness, strength, knowledge, wisdom, life. I know this because I am in the process of making, not yet have 100% made, the change and am already noticing the difference. Try it. Don't care what others think. Live the life you were called and meant to live. Be free. Dance.
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