Thursday, February 21, 2008

Stars God's Emitted Light

Let me tell you about a new hobby I have seemed to pick up, I like to call it "gazing."  Thats right, my new hobby is looking at the night sky in all of its beauty.  This all originated one day as I was spending some time with a good friend of mine and boredom was taking over both of us. I am finding that when the things of this modern human earth are no longer grabbing our attention, the word boredom comes to life, and it is when this word, this state of being, begins to take place that we begin to take appreciation in the more simple, common things.  So now that I have come to this realization and i hear someone say "i am bored" I say, lucky you!  Anyway back to the origination of gazing.  Like i said, my friend and I were both bored so we decided that we were going to lay outside and just talk.  Sounds like an activity a bunch of third grade school girls would engage in, you may be thinking right now. Never fear, this thought entered into our heads as well, so the talking did not last very long. Silence soon took over us and for good reason.  We were soon taken captive by the beauty of the clear night sky that was provided for us.  I mean the sky has always been there, I have seen it thousands of times. However, I have never looked at it as I had that night, nor has it ever appeared to me as brilliant as it had that night.  I was overwhelmed, in a marvelous way, by the presence of God.  My friend no longer existed at this point, it was just me, the night sky, and God.  I am sure my friend was feeling the same thing, it was powerful, yet unexplainable.  As I was submerged in this state of complete and utter awe, many new thoughts were rushing into my head.  I was soaked in questions and wonderings, some of which I would like to share with you. 

When asked about the composition of a star, and your opinion on that matter, what is it that comes to your mind?  Do you have the "Timone response?"  That stars are just fireflies, fireflies stuck up in that big blue-ish black thing?  Or do you have that scientific answer, as i had, that they are indeed balls of gas burning millions/billions of miles away?  After my experience the other night, a new thought has entered my mind on the matter.  Not to say the other two answers are false (even though timone's answer is a wee bit far-fetched) or that mine is true, but I thought I would put my ideas into your heads.  And to some of you whose thoughts have been clouded by the world’s preaching of "possibility" remember we are dealing with the Creator of the universe.  Now that we've addressed that here is my brief proposal.

Imagine the possibility of being able to see God's literal light every night!  This was the thought that had entered my head as i was "gazing."  Then it hit me.  What if these balls of gas, these fireflies, these stars are mere illusions to what they truly are?  What if these stars are allowing us to take a glimpse at God's literal light on this earth!  It's not impossible.  I mean from Jesus' birth we find that stars have a huge roll in making mankind aware of  God's existence on earth, whose to say it is not the same today.  It is quite mind rattling if you just let that thought marinate in your mind for a couple of days.  The thought of being able to see God's actual light in something that is just forgotten about and walked under night after night is nothing shy of incredible.  God's light shines through the stars.

This is a personal breakthrough for me.  I make sure i create time to sit outside at night at least twice a week and focus on God as i stare up.  You can connect in a mighty way by looking at God's literal glory.  Give it a try, just "gaze."   

1 comment:

  1. It might surprise you to know that God's light is everywhere. You can't see it because you don't know or believe it is their kind of like when you need you keys and you can find them and then when you do you find them right out in the opening usually after you stop resisting finding them. So I can show you how to see it then when you want to be close to God you can do it day or night. Nothing that you see is really what you see it is all just illusion we developed. If you ever watch a baby they never look far away even alone they really just stare are a normal focus distance. That is why you have to put something right there before they see it. That is because they can see things we can't. We train children to focus before they can talk so by the time they do they can't tell us. So here is what you do. You know how when you stare at a light and look away you can still see the light, even if you close your eyes you can still see it. Well you can do that with anything even with a black book. It is because everything is made of energy this is proven by science and the have expensive machines to see it but we can actually see it with our bare eyes. The more you do it the easy it is but I will teach you the basics. Find something dark with a sharp edge like a corner and put it in front of something plain like a white wall. This is only required in the beginning until you learn to focus. Now stare at the edge until you see the light on the edge. So you know what you are looking for it looks as you put a dim light behind it and it is shining around it. You have to train your brain to know it is there because you are focusing on empty space which our minds are not trained to do. So just stair at the edge until you see it. Know it is there and you will see it. This is not an optical illusion either once you know it is there it requires no consentration at all you just focus your eyes on the edge of something which you are just focusing your eyes in mid air so to speak something we never do. All the sharp end does is give you something to focus on and then the light is so close to it you can see it. The light is all around the item but if you focus on say the face of a book you will just see the book because that is what we are trained to see. Once you can do it you can actually see the light coming off of a page or single dimentional image just by focusing on the edge of something in the picture. The more you focus the brighter the light will shine. Also here is another cool tip. Take an item and stare at it really focus on it. The light from these items is not as bright as a light but if you focus on say your hand for just say 1 minute really focus on it then look at a blank wall you will see your hand in black of the wall. Black because it would be more dense the the room around it. Then close your eyes and you will still see it. Then the best tip of all once you can see the light take the item in a dark room. The room can't be so dark that you can't see your hand in front of your face you need to be able to see at focal distance and in this case you need to be able to see the edge of the item. Not clearly of course you just need to be able to make it out. Then repeat the exercise and you will see the light in the dark. Play with that. Now that is gazing.
