Monday, November 24, 2008

A Thought

I don't know if I can say that in every situation I am the person I strive and desire to be. To declare that I was would sound extremely proud and unbelievable. I would hope that, in this world, I am that person who will stick up for what is right. Help those in need. Those who maybe most people would walk past and not think twice. Often at the end of my day I will re-evaluate myself and say, who I AM hates who I've BEEN today. Though I realize to most people that may sound destructive, and possibly even worth drawing concern, I can honestly say that I am thankful I can even make that observation. It helps keep me striving to be who I want to be, and quite frankly who I believe everyone is at heart. Although it is a long road, and although I continue to trip and fall, I will continue to get up, and hopefully invite people to come on and join me.


  1. Well, I don't know why you're feeling down today. Because I'm pretty sure you agreed to do some really awesome things at our meeting...Like speak on Sunday night AND lead worship - you one man band! I'm proud of you! You're doing an awesome job!

  2. Right behind you cheering you on, son. I am proud of your spiritual growth, walk, and ministry. Dad
