Friday, February 13, 2009

Value Life

I’ve heard it said that you never truly know how great something is until it’s gone. I didn’t fear death. As far as I was concerned, death came when it wanted, and the second it did I wasn't going to notice the difference anyway. So why would I be afraid of it? Why should I let it cripple me to the point where I would be living my life in nothing but the fear of losing it? It wasn’t, however, until my life was put in jeopardy that I now have a better understanding of the gift which has been given to me. That gift being life.

I'm not saying I'm going to be living in a safety bubble, like my mother undoubtedly wishes I would and has been wishing I would since the day I was born, all I'm saying is, life is fragile. Be careful in all that you do because that may be the last thing you do. Maybe I had it all wrong. Maybe to live life more cautiously isn't crippling at all. Maybe to do so is to value it more.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Experience Truth

Once upon a time there was a guy named Bob. Bob bought what was said to be the best candy bar in all the world. Bob was cynical at first but took a bite. He found that the candy bar truly was the best candy bar in all the world. 

As Bob was savoring his last bites his friend Jim came along. He told Jim that he had just eaten the best candy bar in all the world. Jim said wow but Bob noticed Jim's lack of emotion and disbelief. So Bob reached into his pocket and gave Jim his other candy bar. Jim took a bite and his eyes welled up. He found that the candy bar truly was the best candy bar in all the world. 

People can believe declared truth, but if you invite them to experience it, truth becomes real.