Saturday, September 6, 2008

Drywall Anyone

My church, which has been meeting in a Cinemark theatre, has now bought a space. The theatre is located in the Pittsburgh Mills Mall and now we get our own space within the mall. (which i almost just spelled wall. yes... space within the wall) And today was the "Mills work day." Things within the new space had to be done in order for it to be up to par come October when we begin to meet there. (walls painted, walls made, new carpet, stage set up, sound system... the list goes on) I had quite the time working today.

First of all let me just say... I am convinced that over 80% of men who work where paint, drywall, lifts, studs, nails, screws, saws, ladders, and drills are involved, have absolutely no clue what they are doing. With this observation made I have come to the conclusion that I most certainly fall under this category. Despite feeling left out due to my lack of tool belt, I would say for the first two hours I was completely useless as I was standing nodding my head. (The head nod is indeed standard male procedure when the man has absolutely no freaking clue what he is doing)

It really all started as I was approached with a "test of my manlyness" kind of a question. "Do you know how to drywall"? (First of all I want to make a side note. When it comes to the world of manly construction, the complete English language is disregarded. To drywall is now a verb.) I could not be fooled by this test. "Yes..... Yes I can."

Nope, no I couldn't... I was a boy amongst men. I do want to say though, I now have a complete understanding of how to build a wall. By the 4th one I really started to get it. I left that place just as prideful as I had entered it. Another day, another wall.

It really was cool though watching how everyone as a family worked together. It reminds me of the way everything was intended to be. Harmony. I found it on this "Mills work day." (i had enough time to notice it) It really reminded me of the importance of coming together as one. Even though I stunk at drywalling.