Friday, October 23, 2009

Leaves As They Leave

Fall is truly amazing. Elohim. God is the Creator.I can always see and feel God in nature. I see the creation and immediately look to its Creator. The other day I was walking around outside and the creation was pointing back to its Creator with bright moving colors. Literally. It was such a perfect fall day. Barely any clouds. Not hot, but warm with a cool breeze that you could feel across your face. Leaves were falling and littering the ground like freckled spots of color. Each tree was carefully painted by its Creator. A gallery of art on display for everyone to see. It was beautiful.

Like most artists, I believe God created this picture and its brilliant colors for a reason. He gave us this picture for enjoyment, as spectators, as well as to send us a message. The enjoyment is obvious. The picture is breathtaking. The message is of intention, the intention for the end of our lives. I can't help but wonder if the trees in the Garden of Eden changed colors as beautifully as they do now. I find it incredibly interesting that one of the most beautiful stages of a tree's life is amidst death. Death didn't exist until fruit was eaten from a tree. So I wonder if God, in that situation, when death first entered the world by the eating from that tree, decided to convey a very important message of hope and intention in that very tree and other trees. That message being, God, now that death is certain, intends for death to be beautiful. A glorious thing. A thing that others can recognize to be beautiful as well. A thing that is meant to link us to our Creator. Leaves' most beautiful time of their lives is when their chloroplasts shut down and they die. God made their death beautiful. Thanks to God our death can and is intended to be beautiful. Like the season of fall, maybe we should even look forward to it.


  1. Good thoughts! Never considered that before. :)

  2. This is very beautiful and insiteful. You are wise beyond your years Mike.
